How To Clean Your Diamond Ring

For many, a diamond ring is more than a piece of jewellery; it represents a bond, a memory, a promise. As one of Australia’s most trusted sources for pre-owned designer rings, accessories, and luxury consignment, EMIER understands the importance of maintaining the lustre of your diamond jewellery. After all, your diamond ring deserves to look as beautiful as the moment it was first worn. Let us guide you through how to clean your diamond ring safely so you can maintain its scintillating appearance for years to come.

How to clean your diamond rings at home

When life’s everyday wear takes a toll on your beloved diamond engagement ring, restoring its shine is easier than you might think.

What you will need:

  • Warm water
  • Mild dishwashing soap
  • Soft toothbrush (clean and reserved for jewellery cleaning)
  • Soft, lint-free cloth (preferably a cotton or linen cloth)
  • Small bowl or jug

Step-by-Step: How to clean diamond rings at home

  1. Prepare your cleaning solution: Mix warm (not hot) water with a few drops of mild dishwashing soap in a small bowl. Your diamond ring will soak in this solution, so ensure the bowl is large enough to accommodate the ring.
  2. Soak your ring: Place your diamond ring in the solution and let it soak for 20–30 minutes. This will allow any dirt or grime to loosen up.
  3. Gently scrub your ring: After soaking, use a soft-bristled, clean toothbrush to gently scrub the diamond and setting. Be sure to clean all areas, especially underneath the diamond where dirt can accumulate.
  4. Rinse and dry: Rinse your ring under warm running water. Ensure the drain is closed to avoid any mishaps. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to pat your ring dry.
  5. Final touch: For an extra shine, use the cloth to gently buff the metal parts of your ring. Be sure to avoid touching the diamond to prevent oils from your hands from adhering to it.

Importantly, this method is for cleaning diamond rings only. Other precious stones may require different cleaning methods. Always make sure to handle your ring gently during cleaning to avoid loosening the setting or scratching the metal. If you notice any loose stones or damage, take it to a professional jeweller.

How often should you clean your diamond ring?

To keep your ring looking its best, clean it once a week. This is enough to keep everyday oil and buildup at bay.

What not to do when cleaning your diamond ring at home

Avoid using harsh chemicals such as baking soda, bleach, or other abrasive household cleaners as these could damage the ring’s metal setting. Additionally, refrain from using ultrasonic jewellery cleaners as their vibrations can cause stones to become loose or even fall out.

When should I get my diamond ring professionally cleaned?

Notwithstanding the convenience of at-home cleaning, having your diamond ring professionally cleaned twice a year is still your best option for restoring the lustre of your beloved piece. A professional jeweller has the knowledge and equipment to safely remove compressed dirt and debris, leaving your ring sparkling like new.

Tips to keep your diamond ring cleaner for longer

  • Handle your diamond sparingly. The oil from your fingers can stick to the diamond’s surface, affecting its brilliance.
  • After wearing your ring, wipe it down with a soft cloth to remove any oils or dirt.
  • Remove your ring during activities that may expose it to harsh chemicals or excessive dirt and debris.

Where can I sell my second hand engagement ring if I no longer need it?

If you find yourself with second hand diamond rings or used diamond engagement rings that you no longer need, EMIER offers trusted luxury consignment for second hand designer accessories.

Simply enquire online to receive a free quote within 1–2 business days. Once we receive your items, they will undergo our rigorous authentication process, ensuring their authenticity and excellent condition. Once we have sold your piece, we will reimburse you accordingly, as per our pay structure.

EMIER accepts all authentic jewellery from an extensive list of top-tier designers including Chanel, Gucci, Hermès, Cartier, Christian Dior, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, and Fendi.

We value the beauty and craftsmanship of fine jewellery and ensure that your beloved items will find a new home where their beauty and craftsmanship will be equally treasured.